Monday, June 28, 2010

EDITH SEDGWICK "Candle in the wind or 'offer' on the Warholian altar" ?

Edith Sedgwick, um dos míticos 'icons' da cena artística e decadente dos anos 60 em New York, musa dos labirinticos, cínicos e falsos 'caminhos' dos 15 minutos de fama Warholianos, obreira imolada nos altares da vaidade e superficialidade da "factory scene", nasceu numa família da verdadeira aristocracia Americana, senão em atitude, pelo menos em ascendência...
Edith (a cujo o nome foi atribuído em memória desta senhora sua antepassado representada neste quadro de J. S.Sargent ) teve uma infância infeliz, isolada e patológica provocada por um pai irrascível, adúltero e arbitrário. Um confronto directo com o pai em pleno acto de adultério parece ter deixado traumas irreparáveis que a acompanharam ao longo da sua vida.
Em 1965 Edith conhece Andy Warhol, e a partir desse momento tornam-se inseparáveis .... tendo-se Edith tornado na musa do filme 'underground' e dos 'happenings' decadentes e egocêntricos da "Factory".
Encurralada nesta espiral destrutiva, Edith vê num encontro com Bob Dylan uma forma de escapar para uma relação construtiva, o que não resultou, deixando a relação um mito de um aborto resultante desta relação ... a partir daí o caminho da destruição definitiva estava traçado no desiquilibrio e na droga até à sua morte com 28 anos.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Tattoos on the head

Tattoos on the head are in style now more than ever and this is partly due to social acceptance and this is what has made tattoos more common.

Many people tend to be a little more creative than others and choose to have a non conventional design which tends to be super fun while it simultaneously reveals the artistic quality of its creator.


Tattoos on the head

Tattoos on the head are in style now more than ever and this is partly due to social acceptance and this is what has made tattoos more common.

Many people tend to be a little more creative than others and choose to have a non conventional design which tends to be super fun while it simultaneously reveals the artistic quality of its creator.


Saturday, June 26, 2010


As descobertas de Pompeii e Herculaneaum, cidades soterradas pelo cataclismo provocado pela erupção do Vesuvius perto de Nápoles,e as consequentes escavações, conheceram em meados do Sec.XVIII grandes actos de vandalismo e de falta de sistematização e estudo arqueológico ...
Embora as importantes e prestigiosas publicações patrocinadas pelos Bourbons de Nápoles tenham tido uma influência importante na divulgação e promoção do gosto Neo-Clássico, a ausência de método das escavações, que tinham como principal objectivo a caça de troféus da Antiguidade Romana, foram alvo de muita critica por Joachin Winckelmann, o primeiro historiador de Arte, e de Goethe que visitou as escavações.

Going Tech

There's nothing better than having a tattoo everyone admires, most tattooed people know that's a great feeling. Some people choose having a tattoo just to have one or two but others take it more seriously and know the importance of having a tattoo that actually make sense. It is important to make sure you can actually afford what you have in mind (afford as in going to a reputable artist) and not to try doing it for a couple of bucks cause it will not come out as expected.

Lots of people enjoy having an elaborated work of art (like the ones shown in this posting) because they know how important it is to have a work of art in their body that actually people can enjoy looking at it and also can be accepted and admired by those who truly know body art. 

Many people choose to have an elaborated work of art like those who get robotic parts because they like how amazing it looks, and other simple enjoy perfection instead of a tattoo that looks simple. A tattoo artist with skills developed by experience and knowledge can achieve what it takes to create such amazing work.

Going Tech

There's nothing better than having a tattoo everyone admires, most tattooed people know that's a great feeling. Some people choose having a tattoo just to have one or two but others take it more seriously and know the importance of having a tattoo that actually make sense. It is important to make sure you can actually afford what you have in mind (afford as in going to a reputable artist) and not to try doing it for a couple of bucks cause it will not come out as expected.

Lots of people enjoy having an elaborated work of art (like the ones shown in this posting) because they know how important it is to have a work of art in their body that actually people can enjoy looking at it and also can be accepted and admired by those who truly know body art. 

Many people choose to have an elaborated work of art like those who get robotic parts because they like how amazing it looks, and other simple enjoy perfection instead of a tattoo that looks simple. A tattoo artist with skills developed by experience and knowledge can achieve what it takes to create such amazing work.