Wednesday, September 30, 2009

some weird/ rares JOE

demi lovato rares

why everyone has rares'? lol demi looks cute. and there's nothing wrong with this pics

Miley Cyrus sick in concert

miley cyrus salt lake city babe, was sick and threw up during 7 things, not on stage, but she ran backstage and then came again. she was off and on, but still sound amazing!!

the ivy-style influence


A influência do estilo Ivy League americano está definitivamente instalada na moda ... não só na label "rugby" da Ralph Lauren ou na versão desportiva da "Hackett" mas em muitos ambientes de qualidade vejam por exemplo esta série de imagens no 'post' acima ...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Este senhor aqui representado, Anthony Blunt, parente da Rainha Mãe, formado pela Universidade de Cambridge, e membro de uma elite secreta activa à volta dos míticos Trinity e King's Colleges chamados os "Apostles", foi além de conceituado Historiador de Arte, com obra publicada, alto membro do Courtauld Institute e finalmente Curator of the Royal Paintings Collection in Bunckingham Palace, espião durante a guerra e até aos anos cinquenta ao serviçp da União Soviética!
Ele pertencia a um famoso grupo de quatro espiões que se conheceram nos anos 3o como estudantes em Cambridge :Kim Philby,McLean, Guy Burgess e Anthony Blunt. A "Box" ilustrada acima representa uma série de grande qualidade sobre estas personagens produzida pela B.B.C.
Entretanto as memórias de Blunt foram tornadas públicas ...
Ver ainda: ou ainda
Ainda de outra produção A Question of Attribution onde Blunt é representado por James Fox:

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Selena gomez rayban babe

selena gomez heading to THE ROXY for her first concert ever!!

Demi kissing dirk mai??

demi lovato kissing dirk mai, her photographer and new boyfriend??

Joe looking for a new house in LA??

yep he was looking for a house but you think he will live alone..isnt kevin's turn to move out first'? mm weird.

nick and courtney dating?? and caught doing THINGS**??

uhm remember the day where nick left the hotel in toronto but retuned because some fans said something?? well i just saw this comment in oceanUp believe it or not here it is,

I believe the rumor Tim is worried about is that Nick and Courtney were doing naughty things in the theatre, and a bunch of fans caught them. They DID take pictures (apparently) but I think they have a moral level higher than to give them to a gossip site. Just what I heard, I don't know if I believe it.

Nick and Courtney were doing naughty things, and a bunch of fans caught them.------It's true

now today someone send a story saying that saw nick and courtney holding hands at the movies. SO FAKE!! the girl who "took" a pic with her wasnt even her, she stoled the fan pic from someone else.

So basically someone stole this picture from my friend who is NOT Jessica & sent this in. People need to stop fucking creeping & stop.

Sep 27, 2009 @ 08:47 pmRrrrrrrrr said:
this isnt true...the girl in the middle's name is Laura, not Jessica...whoever sent in the story is obviously a fake and is making up all this stuff. i was there when this picture was taken, and i got a picture with them too...Nick Jonas wasnt there with Courtney!
those are comments. form other people. believe whatever you want